主题 名称 概要 报表
职业伦理与工作管理 如何有效开展远程辩护  
职业伦理与工作管理 如何有效开展远程辩护 2  
职业伦理与工作管理 法律伦理 (1)  
职业伦理与工作管理 法律伦理 (2)

Discusses some of a defense lawyer’s professional and ethical responsibilities towards his clients, including: Fiduciary Duties, Avoiding Conflicts of Interest, Confidentiality, Competence, Due Diligence, and Professionalism.

职业伦理与工作管理 法律伦理 (3)

Introduces the practical application of legal ethics and ethical professional conduct in common circumstances faced by practitioners, in particular, criminal defense practitioners.

职业伦理与工作管理 被告人的权利

Helps defense attorneys understand their role in protecting their client's rights.

职业伦理与工作管理 刑事辩护律师的权利  
职业伦理与工作管理 辩护技巧:工作表(1)

Working Documents Part 1

How to review, manage, and evaluate the wealth of information found in a case file using various tools such as chronologies.

职业伦理与工作管理 辩护技巧:工作表(2)

How to review, manage, and evaluate the wealth of information found in a case file using various tools such as players lists, family trees, issues lists, tasks lists, indices, and questions lists.

与当事人的首次会面 建立信任关系

Demonstrates through video how a lawyer introduces himself (documents necessary), builds rapport with the client

与当事人的首次会面 介绍案件处理流程

Demonstrates through video how a lawyer explains the judicial system to the client, what a lawyer does, how the case will proceed

与当事人的首次会面 了解羁押和讯问情况

Demonstrates through video how a lawyer learns the interrogation facts from the client: two scenarios one neglect, one with abuse, Xi'an lawyer on video explains how to move for exclusion of illegal evidence (abuse)

与当事人的首次会面 查找案件事实

Demonstrates through video how a lawyer learns the crime facts from the defendant, the lawyer explains the client's rights, the issue of confidentiality

与当事人的首次会面 了解当事人背景信息

Demonstrates through video how a lawyer obtains social background information, how this information is used for bail and mitigation

审判前准备 刑诉法: 审前阶段

Overview of the CPL provisions related to the pre-trial stage and steps a criminal defender should take in the pre-trial stage.

审判前准备 取保候审 (1)  
审判前准备 取保候审 (2)  
审判前准备 侦查阶段的辩护

Introduces some of the issues that Defenders will face when representing client’s at the PSB stage.

审判前准备 审查起诉阶段的辩护技巧

How to submit a defense opinion to the procurator. Also touches on reviewing the case file, meeting with the client, and collecting evidence.

审判前准备 阅卷实务

Reiterates that it is defenders' fundamental obligation to know all relevant facts. It introduces defense lawyers to some practical tools for reviewing case files and organizing information to use in a client’s defense.

审判前准备 开庭前准备

Overview on trial preparation including how to use a trial notebook, how to develop a defense strategy, and how to prepare documents such as a defense submission to submit to court.

审判前准备 庭前会议

The purpose of this module is to assist Defenders in identifying what issues need to be addressed at a pre-trial hearing and what to prepare for a pre-trial hearing. In order to do that, we will first discuss the establishment of the pre-trial conference, the functions of the pre-trial conference, and then the applicability of the pre-trial conference.

审判前准备 刑事和解

Explains the procedure, and when, and when not, to push for defenders' client to reconcile, and explores practical and ethical problems with the reconciliation procedure.

值班律师和认罪认罚从宽制度 值班律师的角色和责任

Introduces the Duty Lawyer System including Duty Lawyer’s Role in Protecting the Rights of the Accused, Duty Lawyer’s Responsibilities in Interviewing the Client, and Duty Lawyer’s Role in Expedited Procedures and Plea Bargaining

值班律师和认罪认罚从宽制度 认罪认罚从宽制度(上)

Lawyers need to understand the new plea leniency system in order to know how to present this option to their clients, answer any of the accused’s questions about whether and how to plead guilty, and to ensure that the accused’s rights are protected at all times throughout the plea process.This module covers some basic definitions of the plea leniency system, the applicable scope, the applicable principles, the protection of the criminal suspects and defendants’ rights in the procedure, and the protection of the rights and interests of victims, and special considerations for minors.

值班律师和认罪认罚从宽制度 认罪认罚从宽制度(下)

In this module, lawyers learn details about the plea leniency system process during the investigation phase, the examination for prosecution phase, and the trial phase. They also learn about what to do if a client wishes to withdraw their plea.

值班律师和认罪认罚从宽制度 值班律师的实务经验  
值班律师和认罪认罚从宽制度 值班律师如何对待特别脆弱的当事人  
事实收集 阅卷实务

Reiterates that it is defenders' fundamental obligation to know all relevant facts. It introduces defense lawyers to some practical tools for reviewing case files and organizing information to use in a client’s defense.

事实收集 工作表1

How to review, manage, and evaluate the wealth of information found in a case file using various tools such as chronologies.

事实收集 工作表2

How to review, manage, and evaluate the wealth of information found in a case file using various tools such as players lists, family trees, issues lists, tasks lists, indices, and questions lists.

事实收集 证据发现

Introduces defenders to the fact that it is the State’s obligation to discover relevant information so the Defendant is aware of the evidence against them, and to allow a defense to be offered to this evidence. It explains the circumstances when the Defender and Defendant are obliged to discover information to the prosecution and Court

事实收集 了解羁押和讯问情况

Demonstrates through video how a lawyer learns the interrogation facts from the client: two scenarios one neglect, one with abuse, Xi'an lawyer on video explains how to move for exclusion of illegal evidence (abuse)

事实收集 查找案件事实  
事实收集 了解当事人背景信息

Demonstrates through video how a lawyer obtains social background information, how this information is used for bail and mitigation

事实收集 给范合进行辩护

Defending Fan He

Uses the context of the Fan He case to go over the skills lawyers should master before meeting with witnesses, including preparation, communication, confirming accounts, and more.  Has user analyze the positives and negatives of an example interview between Gu Du, Xi Wang and a witness. 

事实收集 律师获取证据

Gu Du and Xi Wang make an application to obtain the missing statement of Fan He. Goes over when lawyers need to obtain evidence, who they should apply to, and the procedures for obtaining it.

事实收集 证据分析与实质审查

Illustrates how to analyze forensic evidence by considering an expert report on a shoeprint, knife, and knife wound.

事实收集 如何处理认罪

Introduces practitioners to the skills and pointers on how to handle confessions, and to advocate for clients who wish to retract their confession

向司法鉴定证据提问 司法鉴定及其基本原则  
向司法鉴定证据提问 现场勘查

An overview of crime scene forensic investigations. Covers the scope of the on-site investigation, key steps in crime scene investigation, and how to draw links between the client, the crime scene, the act, and the victim.

向司法鉴定证据提问 指纹证据

Part 3A will introduce fingerprint traces, explore the source of this trace, and the different levels of information it contains. We will discuss how to process this information through the scientific method of ACE-V, which is usually mastered by any expert in this field. By understanding each step of this method, you will understand the main points in the area of fingerprint traces that need to be challenged in court.

向司法鉴定证据提问 DNA证据

This module introduces DNA evidence and helps lawyers to understand types of DNA traces and where they may exist in the scene, understand the correct extraction method, the natureo f information these traces can provide, and the key steps of trace analysis and interpretation.

向司法鉴定证据提问 足迹证据

Unit C of Part III introduces footprint evidence and explores the source of this trace and the different levels of information it contains. We will discuss how to process this information through the scientific method of ACE-V, which is usually mastered by any expert in this field. By understanding each step of this method, you will understand the main points of the evidence against your client's footprint that needs to be challenged in court.

向司法鉴定证据提问 专家与律师之间的沟通

In this section, we will discuss communication issues between experts and lawyers. In essence, we will review the key points that may endanger the quality of scientific evidence, as well as the key points that may be raised during the investigation and trial of the defense lawyer, to test the strength of the evidence presented by the experts.

辩护调查与法医证据: 中山北路虚拟案例 法医学单元简介  
辩护调查与法医证据: 中山北路虚拟案例 犯罪现场调查 (1)  
辩护调查与法医证据: 中山北路虚拟案例 犯罪现场调查 (2)  
辩护调查与法医证据: 中山北路虚拟案例 法医病理学 (1)  
辩护调查与法医证据: 中山北路虚拟案例 法医病理学 (2)  
辩护调查与法医证据: 中山北路虚拟案例 DNA(1)  
辩护调查与法医证据: 中山北路虚拟案例 DNA (2)  
辩护调查与法医证据: 中山北路虚拟案例 指纹证据  
法医证据: 第二部分 火场命案中的法医鉴定

Introduces defenders to the knowledge and skill in the identification of fire scenes and cause of death in order to analyse the work of forensic appraisal reports issued by the judge. It aims to help defenders to develop defense strategy and safeguard clients' greatest interests.

法医证据: 第二部分 防火罪的刑事辩护策略  
法医证据: 第二部分 文件检验  
法医证据: 第二部分 血迹、血液的法医鉴定与刑事辩护  
法医证据: 第二部分 压印证据  
法医证据: 第二部分 纤维、毛发等其他痕迹证据  
证据 证据规则和证据出示  
证据 律师获取证据  
证据 非法证据排除 (1)  
证据 非法证据排除规则(2)  
证据 如何处理认罪

Introduces practitioners to the skills and pointers on how to handle confessions, and to advocate for clients who wish to retract their confession

证据 证据分析与实质审查  
证据 辨认  
证据 证据规则  
电子证据 电子取证  
电子证据 电子证据法规和调查

Introduces the defense lawyer to the basic information about digital data, the procedures for collecting and using digital data, reviewing digital data, and the method of impressioning evidence. It aims to help lawyers to know how to use digital data in criminal defense.

电子证据 电子数据立法的最新发展

This module provides an update on more recent developments in the law regarding digital evidence. This module covers updates in the definition and scope of digital evidence, the rules of collecting and extracting digital evidence, and how to verify the digital evidence’s authenticity, integrity, and legality. For an introduction to this topic, please view our other two modules in this series on digital evidence.

谈判技巧 谈判技巧 1  
谈判技巧 谈判技巧 2  
谈判技巧 谈判模拟案例分析1  
谈判技巧 谈判模拟案例分析2  
案件分析 批判性思维和案例分析  
案件分析 审查实体法

Reviewing the Substantive Law

Fan He's lawyers Gu Du and Xi Wang meet to discuss the case (video) They are preparing to meet with Prof Peng Bo who has asked them to analyze the substantive law of the case. Explains how to analyze the substantive law.

案件分析 案件心证(1)  
案件分析 案件心证(2)

Case study in developing the theory of the case with the example of Fan He. Goes over the facts of the case and tests the user's ability to categorize them, and has them develop an example theory of their own.

案件分析 死刑辩护

In light of the special nature of death penalty cases, it analyzes related legislation and judicial practice of death penalty cases, as well as provides defense recommendations for criminal defense attorneys by considering things such as substantive law, procedural law, and government policy on the death penalty.

案件分析 亲密伴侣  
出庭训练 刑诉法:审判阶段  
出庭训练 简易程序  
出庭训练 速裁程序    
出庭训练 开庭前准备  
出庭训练 法庭发问技巧  
出庭训练 人民陪审员制度  
出庭训练 刑事缺席审判制度  
出庭训练 如何有效开展远程辩护  
交叉质证 交叉质证(1)

Introduction of cross-examination as a method of critical thinking about evidence. Reviews testimonial errors, specifically the distinction between mistakes and lies, and methods of exposing and dealing with them.

交叉质证 交叉质证 (2)

Case study of the cross-examination process with Mrs. Mihu Li. Gives strong and weak examples of a cross-examination of a witness believed to be mistaken in her testimony.

交叉质证 交叉质证 (3)

Considers how one deals with lies in a cross-examination. Reviews the motives behind intentional deceit, and general principles for exposing it. Gives an example of using the case of Mr. Foolish and Mr. Deceit.

专家 专家 (1)

What is an expert? When should a defense lawyer use an expert?

专家 专家 (2)

How does a defense lawyer find an expert, and how should a lawyer properly work with an expert?

减刑 精神健康和轻缓量刑的简介

Brief overview of mental health and mitigation and discusses the importance of conducting a life history investigation of the client in order to discover significant events which might have impacted the client's neurological development.

减刑 有毒物质接触  
减刑 大脑损伤、神经和认知缺陷

Introduces the defense lawyer to the impact of brain damage and neurological deficits on a client’s mental functioning. What are the signs and symptoms of brain damage, and what types of questions should a lawyer ask of the client and his family members?

减刑 情绪障碍

Introduces the defense lawyer to the impact of mood disorders on a client’s mental functioning. What are the signs and symptoms a lawyer should be looking for when meeting with his client?

减刑 创伤及创伤后的应激障碍 (1)

Introduces the defense lawyer to the impact of trauma on a client’s mental functioning. Questions discussed in this module include: What is the clinical definition of trauma? And what are the risk factors of PTSD?

减刑 创伤及创伤后的应激障碍 (2)

Discusses the types of questions counsel should ask his client to determine the existence and impact of traumatic life events. Also provides a brief overview of the neurological impact of trauma.

减刑 强制医疗

Introduces the defense lawyer to the rule and procedures of compulsory medical treatment in criminal procedural law.

减刑 亲密伴侣

Introduces the defense lawyer to the idea of Intimate Partner Battering, a type of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder suffered by victims of domestic abuse. It explains how a defender might use evidence of Intimate Partner Battering to explain the woman’s behavior to a judge

毒品案件和死刑案件的辩护 毒品案件辩护-相关法律和被告人权利

This module provides a brief discussion on the rights of criminal defendants in drug cases, including an overview of the laws and regulations governing drug crimes in China, the types of drug crimes in China, procedural issues in the trial of drug crimes, and sentencing of drug crimes.

毒品案件和死刑案件的辩护 死刑辩护-相关法律和被告人权利

This module provides an overview of the laws governing the death penalty in China, the crimes punishable by the death penalty, the two different types of death penalty, those exempt from the death penalty, the legal process of death penalty cases, and rights specific to accused facing the death penalty.

毒品案件和死刑案件的辩护 为毒品案件辩护

This module is divided into three parts. The first part looks at the difficulties in the defense of drug cases, and lays the foundations for our further explanation. The second part enters the specific issues of drug case defense, introduces the relevant issues of evidence defense, and introduces the examination techniques of drugs, the core evidence, from three perspectives: the source of the drugs, the weight, and the identification. The third part introduces the relevant content of the actual defense。

毒品案件和死刑案件的辩护 死刑辩护策略

In light of the special nature of death penalty cases, the teaching purpose of this module is to analyze related legislation and judicial practice of death penalty cases, as well as provide recommendations for criminal defense attorneys by considering things such as substantive law, procedural law, and government policy on the death penalty.

毒品案件和死刑案件的辩护 死刑复核阶段的法律援助  
量刑 介绍量刑规则:理论、目的与背景

Lawyer Wei Wei has a case and needs assistance applying the sentencing guidelines. Includes links to the guideslines and scholarly article on the guidelines

量刑 准备量刑论据

Wei Wei meets with his mentor to review the arguments

量刑 为争取缓刑而作的辩护并准备口头辩护

Wei Wei meets with his mentor to review the written materials

量刑 给法庭制定量刑论据

Wei Wei makes his argument to the court

量刑 进行有说服力的诉说和写作

The module explains the principles of persuasive oral and written advocacy and ends with a different lawyer making the same sentencing argument using the techniques of persuasive storytelling

量刑 刑事和解

Explains the procedure, and when, and when not, to push for defenders' client to reconcile, and explores practical and ethical problems with the reconciliation procedure.

量刑 死刑辩护

In light of the special nature of death penalty cases, it analyzes related legislation and judicial practice of death penalty cases, as well as provides defense recommendations for criminal defense attorneys by considering things such as substantive law, procedural law, and government policy on the death penalty.

上诉 上诉

Introduces the defense lawyer to the appeals framework and practical skills in preparing and prosecuting appeals.

为弱势群体辩护 弱势群体当事人的救济

Introduces defenders to the concept and characteristic of vulnerable group, the reason and importance of relieving them, and the way and method of providing judicial remedy to vulnerable clients.

为弱势群体辩护 为女性犯罪人辩护

Researches the reason, distinguishing feature and related laws behind female crime. Introduces defenders to the issues that need to pay great attention when defending female.

为弱势群体辩护 亲密伴侣

Introduces the defense lawyer to the idea of Intimate Partner Battering, a type of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder suffered by victims of domestic abuse. It explains how a defender might use evidence of Intimate Partner Battering to explain the woman’s behavior to a judge

为弱势群体辩护 为少数民族辩护

Introduces defenders to the features for defending minority people, relevant laws and regulations and special minority criminal policy, and defense strategy and skills they need when representing minority clients

为弱势群体辩护 代理少数民族:跨文化代理的实用技能  
为弱势群体辩护 为未成年人辩护

In light of the special nature of minors, it researches and discusses the special characteristics of crimes committed by minors, and helps the defenders to understand special baseline legal principles for protection of minors and how to perform their duty as a defender.

为弱势群体辩护 与客户沟通 – 残疾人士

In order to better represent clients with disabilities, lawyers need to have a better awareness of different types of disabilities, how these might affect their communication with clients, and how to treat clients with dignity. This module will provide lawyers with tips on how to communicate with clients with different types of disabilities in a respectful manner, and general information on regulations regarding accessibility for public legal service platforms.

为精神障碍嫌疑人辩护 为精神障碍嫌疑人辩护

Introduces defenders to the specialty of Defending Mentally Disabled Criminal Suspect, related Laws and Regulations, and Defense Strategy.

为精神障碍嫌疑人辩护 为不担责的精神障碍人员辩护

Introduces defense lawyers to the circumstances when a client may be excused from criminal liability due to mental illness, the procedure for a Forensic Psychiatric Evaluation, and pointers on how to assist clients’ who have a severe mental illness.

为精神障碍嫌疑人辩护 代理有精神障碍的当事人案件

Aims to help defenders to understand: how to work with mentally ill clients; the effect on sentence; and how to present successful arguments in sentence mitigation submissions.

为精神障碍嫌疑人辩护 强制医疗

Introduces the defense lawyer to the rule and procedures of compulsory medical treatment in criminal procedural law.

为精神障碍嫌疑人辩护 精神健康和轻缓量刑的简介

Updated version of Module 45: Brief overview of mental health and mitigation and discusses the importance of conducting a life history investigation of the client in order to discover significant events which might have impacted the client's neurological development.

为精神障碍嫌疑人辩护 学会观察精神疾病的迹象

Lawyers need to be aware of possible undiagnosed mental illnesses in their clients. In order to do so, a lawyer should have a general understanding of mental illnesses, be aware of the different types and ranges of mental illnesses, and be aware of some of the symptoms of mental illness.

为精神障碍嫌疑人辩护 强制医疗与刑罚处罚

Provides an overview of the role of the lawyer in determining criminal responsibility, and in compulsory treatment procedures. Also covers the procedural rights of the defendant with mental Illness in compulsory treatment procedures.

为范合辩护 虚构的范合案件

Introduction of the case of Fan He: Fan He explains what he told his lawyers and what they said they would do: Case file documents introduced. Review of lawyer /client relationship (video)

为范合辩护 刑诉法: 审前阶段

Overview of the CPL provisions related to the pre-trial stage and steps a criminal defender should take in the pre-trial stage.

为范合辩护 审查实体法

Reviewing the Substantive Law

Fan He's lawyers Gu Du and Xi Wang meet to discuss the case (video) They are preparing to meet with Prof Peng Bo who has asked them to analyze the substantive law of the case. Explains how to analyze the substantive law.

为范合辩护 案件心证(1)

Glosses a "theory of the case" as a short, positive and sensible story of what happened constructed from the facts of the case, and reviews how to produce a winning strategy developed from the law and the theory of the case. Goes over the classification of facts, their organization in chart form, and how to deploy them effectively in a defense.

为范合辩护 案件心证(2)

Case study in developing the theory of the case with the example of Fan He. Goes over the facts of the case and tests the user's ability to categorize them, and has them develop an example theory of their own.

为范合辩护 给范合进行辩护

Defending Fan He

Uses the context of the Fan He case to go over the skills lawyers should master before meeting with witnesses, including preparation, communication, confirming accounts, and more.  Has user analyze the positives and negatives of an example interview between Gu Du, Xi Wang and a witness. 

为范合辩护 律师获取证据

Gu Du and Xi Wang make an application to obtain the missing statement of Fan He. Goes over when lawyers need to obtain evidence, who they should apply to, and the procedures for obtaining it.

为范合辩护 证据分析与实质审查

Illustrates how to analyze forensic evidence by considering an expert report on a shoeprint, knife, and knife wound.

为范合辩护 开庭前准备

Overview on trial preparation including how to use a trial notebook, how to develop a defense strategy, and how to prepare documents such as a defense submission to submit to court.

为范合辩护 法庭询问技巧

Demonstrates through sample questions four different types of questions to be used in questioning witnesses in court: open-ended questions, closed questions, leading questions, and compound questions.

刑法修正案8 刑法修正案八- 关于死刑,新增罪名及加重情节的规定

Eighth amendment -Death Penalty, New Crimes, and the addition of "Grevious Circumstances"

刑法修正案8 刑法修正案八 - 关于减刑,假释,青少年前科公布的例外及社区校正的规定

Eighth amendment -Mitigation, Elimination of Juvenille Public Record, and Community Corrections