IBJ Reporting Expectations
Completion requirements
Baseline reporting is necessary for each project. Please use the document called "IBJ Scorecard for Criminal Justice Systems" if you do not have a planned pre-survey for your project. The purpose of the Baseline Survey is to develop a general understanding of the circumstances concerning criminal defense in the target areas of the programs. The survey seeks describe and, where possible, quantify the gaps in criminal defense. The information collected in the baseline survey will be used as a point of comparison for future periodic evaluations of your progress and to provide IBJ with an accurate assessment of the needs of that particular area and how they could potentially be incorporated into IBJ’s programmatic work. Return the survey to IBJ once it is completed.
Each project will have a timeline that is agreed between you and your IBJ Project Manager. At the mid-project mark, you are expected to send an interim report with project updates and challenges. The Interim Report must be submitted in order to receive your second disbursement.
The Interim Report template can be found in this section.
When you report to IBJ, make sure that each of your achievements are as specific and measurable as possible. For example, instead of writing "Around a dozen detainees were assisted through my project, of which the majority were released," write "13 detainees (7 men, 6 women) were assisted through my project. 10 cases obtained positive outcome (5 women, 5 men), of which 2 acquittals (both women) and 8 reduced sentences (3 women, 5 men). Of the remaining 3 cases, 2 are under deliberation and for 1 the sentence was maintained.
Providing IBJ with accurate data helps us to measure the overall impact of your project and raise additional sources of funding for JusticeMakers.
You can complement quantitative data with qualitative observations.
Each project will have a timeline that is agreed between you and your IBJ Project Manager. At the mid-project mark, you are expected to send an interim report with project updates and challenges. The Interim Report must be submitted in order to receive your second disbursement.
The Interim Report template can be found in this section.
When you report to IBJ, make sure that each of your achievements are as specific and measurable as possible. For example, instead of writing "Around a dozen detainees were assisted through my project, of which the majority were released," write "13 detainees (7 men, 6 women) were assisted through my project. 10 cases obtained positive outcome (5 women, 5 men), of which 2 acquittals (both women) and 8 reduced sentences (3 women, 5 men). Of the remaining 3 cases, 2 are under deliberation and for 1 the sentence was maintained.
Providing IBJ with accurate data helps us to measure the overall impact of your project and raise additional sources of funding for JusticeMakers.
You can complement quantitative data with qualitative observations.
Last modified: Saturday, 17 June 2017, 8:09 PM