We see these 8 statements as the guiding principles of JusticeMakers and International Bridges to Justice. They are declarations of our commitment, our strength, and our motivation to come together to prevent torture and ensure justice for those in need. They were created in the reflection and approach of the 16 Decisions, created by Mohammad Yunus, founder of the Grameen Bank. To read more about the 16 Decisions visit here. They are listed below for your reference. 

1. We will not inflict injustice upon anyone; neither should we allow anyone to do so. 

2. We believe that justice too long delayed is justice denied. 

3. We will not live with dilapidated justice systems. We will repair our courts and detention centers, and work towards constructing working legal infrastructure at the earliest. 

4. We will seize opportunities to build bridges between our colleagues in the justice system. 

5. We will look after our own health and well-being, and that of our family. 

6. We must come to see human progress never rolls in on the wheels of inevitability. We must use time creatively and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right. 

7. We will develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. 

8. We will never lose our infinite hope. 

It is our hope that these affirmations will guide your work not only for the duration of your project, but in all your actions as you work tirelessly to advance access to justice.

Modifié le: vendredi 23 juin 2017, 12:21