Get Involved

Make a tax-deductible donation
IBJ is indebted to the generosity of individual donors who help protect the legal rights of men, women throughout Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. If you want to be part of a changing world, in which the basic legal rights of citizens are respected worldwide, make a donation at

Develop eLearning courses in your area of expertise
If you have a legal background on criminal defense and are passionate about the protection of the most fundamental rights of the accused, you can now ensure that these rights are respected. You can develop eLearning courses on the basic tenets of criminal defense and guarantee that public defenders around the world are getting the highest degree of training as to how they should represent their clients.

Become a volunteer course auditor
You can ensure that public defenders are receiving the utmost quality of training by becoming a course auditor, and reviewing eLearning courses covering an area of your expertise. This will include reviewing the courses as to their content and structure and providing the developer of the course with a feedback.

Donate or loan technology
You can help to ensure that the online training materials reach all corners of the world, by donating or loaning technology like computers and software. You can also assist IBJ in setting up labs in developing countries, in which public defenders who do not have the resources, can utilize the eLearning program.

Translate eLearning materials into other languages
The eLearning platform aims at a widespread criminal defense training in all corners of the world. If you have knowledge of a language, whether this be your mother tongue or not, in which eLearning courses are not at the moment available, you can contribute to this objective by translating some of the materials.

If you are interested in volunteering for IBJ's Legal Training Resource Center , please contact

បានកែប្រែចុងក្រោយ: ថ្ងៃសៅរ៍ ទី17 ខែមិថុនា ឆ្នាំ2017, 8:09 PM